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From: NPE2018 live sharing! 2018美国国际塑料橡胶展览会(NPE2018) 展会时间:2018.5.7-5.11 展会地点:美国·佛罗里达州·奥兰多·橘郡会议中心 美国NPE国际塑料展览会是美国规模大、历史悠久的塑料展览会。从 1946 年开始,每... Read More >>
2018Chinaplas|匠心.智能.创新 人间四月,春意融融,莺飞燕舞,百花齐放,万物竞发。杨森公司将于2018年4月24-27日在中国·上海·虹桥·国家会展中心参加CHINAPLAS 2018上海国际橡塑展,届时我公司将联合几家行业知名注塑机、模具厂商闪亮登场为广大客...
We make an appointment with you in Tianjin and Zhengzhou 杨森将携IML550AG-1-A、FP1000G、FG900G-WS2联合泰瑞、泰立亮相于天津工博会、郑州塑博会。 Yang Sen will be accompanied by IML550AG-1-A, FP1000G, FG900G-WS2 and Teli in Tianjin Industrial Expo and Z... Read More >>
YangSen industrial robot, 2017 November exhibition notice! YangSen industrial robot, 2017 November exhibition notice! - create & enjoy intelligent equipment. 一、2017SWOP SHANGHAI WORLD OF PACKAGING YangSen, Tederic will bring “In mol... Read More >>
InterPlas Thailand 2015 Yangsen hereby sincerely invite you to visit our booth at The BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand from July. 9-12 2015 as the Interplas Thailand 2015's coming. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at ... Read More >>
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